FiCloud 2025
Istanbul, Türkiye
11-13 Aug 2025 [Hybrid]


IoT2C: IoT & Cloud Continuum

Cloud continuum enables a seamless integration of distinct cloud services and models in order to encapsulate the growing adoption of cloud computing by businesses and organizations. The services and capabilities of cloud continuum are unified and supported by advances in communication networks. The objectives are to simplify the integration and development of modern cloud-enabled IoT applications; e.g., share resources, support extreme workload, efficiently process big data and place data and compute power closer to places where they are needed more.

MobiApps: Mobile Applications

With rapid advances in mobile technologies, more and more users now use smart devices to run/use mobile applications to consume Internet, cloud and IoT services. These have opened up new research directions and they require innovative research and development work on the design, implementation and evaluation of mobile applications and services. New approaches have to be developed in order to further advance research in handling complex applications and large volume of data in the IoT, cloud and Internet environments.

CSW: Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the most challenging issues in modern digital world which rely on complex and distributed infrastructure ranging from in-house or local IT systems through to Internet and Web to cloud and IoT systems. Though online digital services provide various benefits to both businesses and individuals they are always a target of cyber criminals. Organizations and businesses across the world have continously been suffering from cyber security breaches. Therefore, cyber security demands a sustained commitment in terms of research, development and investment in order to develop better solutions for dealing with ongoing and emerging security threats and challanges. This vertical aims to provide a forum for interaction among researchers, developers and practitioners in order share knowledge, ideas, experiences related to cyber security.